A Atlar Innovation Impulsiona a Colaboração Espacial de Portugal

Atlar Innovation recently hosted the Portuguese Space Agency, bringing together key players in Portugal’s space sector, such as FCUP and Critical Software. The meeting provided an opportunity for these organizations to share their strategies and explore ways to strengthen collaboration.
Este encontro reforça o compromisso coletivo de impulsionar a inovação, fomentar parcerias e ampliar a presença de Portugal na indústria espacial global.
ATLAR apoia o MIracle Chibuzor Marcel da Nigéria

A ATLAR tem o orgulho de apoiar Miracle Chibuzor Marcel da Nigéria, fundador
and Director of the Pan-African Citizen Science e-Lab (PACS e-Lab), in presenting their research at the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) 113th Annual Meeting at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama https://www.aavso.org/113, this 8-10th November.
PACS e-Lab is the largest Citizen Science online platform for astronomy, space science education and outreach in Africa. Miracle Chibuzor Marcel’s presentation will highlight some of the activities carried out at PACS e-Lab, including Planetary Defense and asteroid search, exoplanet and photometry research, astrophotography, double star studies, observations using robotic telescopes, and amateur radio contact with astronauts aboard the ISS. www.pacselab.space
A missão da AAVSO é permitir que qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar, participe de descobertas científicas por meio da astronomia de estrelas variáveis. Os membros da AAVSO desenvolveram inúmeras técnicas instrumentais que são vitais para a astronomia, a ciência espacial e o desenvolvimento de redes de vigilância espacial.
ATLAR is a Portuguese technology company, founded in 2021, specializing
in the development of cutting-edge computing platforms and intelligent monitoring tools for astronomy organizations, space applications, and
grandes plataformas industriais.
Coimbra Invest Summit 2024

ATLAR Innovation had the opportunity to participate in the Coimbra Invest Summit 2024 (CIS24), an event that highlighted entrepreneurship and innovation in the municipality of Coimbra…
ATLAR Participou no 5º Hack To Emerge

A ATLAR Innovation teve o prazer de participar na 5ª edição do Hack To Emerge, com o tema Hack for Good, marcando a 4ª participação da empresa no evento. Mais uma vez, foi enriquecedor partilhar esta experiência com excelentes profissionais, dedicados a criar soluções tecnológicas com impacto positivo na sociedade. Esta iniciativa destacou a importância de aliar tecnologia e responsabilidade social, incentivando a inovação com propósito.
This R&D investment project will receive approximately €400,000 in funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With this initiative, ATLAR reinforces its commitment to driving innovation in the space sector, contributing to the development of entirely novel technological solutions.
ATLAR Lança Projeto LOPES para Desenvolver Sistema Avançado de Rastreio de Objetos Espaciais

Within the scope of the approved application for the notice MPr-2023-10 – SIID – Business R&D – Individual Operations – Low Density, ATLAR will begin, in early 2025, the development of the LOPES project (LEO OPtical TelEscope for Space), aimed at creating an advanced solution for monitoring and tracking space objects in low Earth orbits (LEO), based on optical sensors.
This R&D investment project will receive approximately €400,000 in funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With this initiative, ATLAR reinforces its commitment to driving innovation in the space sector, contributing to the development of entirely novel technological solutions.
ATLAR Innovation junta-se ao consórcio EMISSARY liderado pela Leonardo

ATLAR Innovation is one of the nine startup finalists in the national stage of the Tech Innovator in Portugal competition, organized by KPMG! We are ready to present our project on September 5th at KPMG’s headquarters, where we will have the opportunity to share our vision and the impact of our work. One of the nine finalists will be among 23 representatives from other countries on the Web Summit stage.
ATLAR avança para a Fase Final Nacional do Tech Innovator da KPMG!

ATLAR Innovation is one of the nine startup finalists in the national stage of the Tech Innovator in Portugal competition, organized by KPMG! We are ready to present our project on September 5th at KPMG’s headquarters, where we will have the opportunity to share our vision and the impact of our work. One of the nine finalists will be among 23 representatives from other countries on the Web Summit stage.
6ª Conferência Internacional de Aplicação de Óptica e Fotónica

Our CEO, Miguel Bergano, recently had the honor of being a speaker at the 6th International Conference on Application of Optics and Photonics (AOP2024), in Aveiro, in a session dedicated to “Optical Sensors for Resident Space Object Surveys”, where he shared concepts and advances in the sector.
Este importante evento, organizado pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Óptica e Fotónica, reuniu investigadores de renome mundial e líderes da indústria para discutir as mais recentes e futuras inovações em Óptica e Fotónica.
Orgulhamo-nos de estar na vanguarda desses avanços tecnológicos, contribuindo para o futuro da exploração e segurança espacial.
Miguel Bergano nomeado para o Framework Contracts Board do SKAO

Miguel Bergano has been appointed to the Framework Contracts Board of the SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory). This is yet another recognition of the dedication and competence of our team!
A Atlar participa nos Dias de Informação da EDF em Bruxelas

On May 28 and 29, ATLAR was represented in Brussels at the EDF Info Days, an initiative of the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space of the European Commission. It was an opportunity to learn about the application processes and opportunities offered by the European Defence Fund (EDF).
O evento reuniu quase 3000 participantes, num ambiente de networking propício à construção de consórcios, respondendo às prioridades do EDF. Marcaram presença o Banco Europeu de Investimento (BEI) e o Fundo Europeu de Investimento (FEI), que apresentaram as oportunidades de financiamento para projetos de segurança e defesa da UE.