We’re shaping the future of astronomy as we contribute to developing the service layers for the Square Kilometre Array Observatory – SKA Observatory’s operational platforms. Leveraging advanced computing from High-Throughput Computing (HTC) to Cloud solutions, we’re crafting the PaaS and SaaS that will orchestrate a vast network of sensors, including the world’s most sophisticated radio telescopes.
The SKA Observatory, a global inter-governmental venture with member states spanning five continents, is on a quest to revolutionize our understanding of the Universe. With telescopes set to rise in Australia and South Africa, these will be Earth’s most advanced radio telescope networks.
As we gear up for SKA v1.0, we’re not just aiming for astronomical breakthroughs but also driving innovation that contributes to societal advancement, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. SKAO acknowledges the Indigenous cultures and peoples on whose ancestral lands it’s facilities will stand. Here’s to reaching for the stars while keeping our feet firmly grounded in respect and collaboration!
Chears to our SKAO team:
Bruno Ribeiro, Diogo Regateiro, Diogo Vala, Hélder Ribeiro & Pedro Osório
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